Mystery Readers

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Amanda here!  I just wanted to start your week with one of my FAVORITE additions to my classroom, MYSTERY READERS!  Having mystery readers come into the classroom was without a doubt a favorite for all. 

Now, having mystery readers isn’t a new concept by any means but I wanted to make sure it was as meaningful as possible. This lead me to revamp the idea to include having parents choose from a list of books that addressed character building, and life lessons. I also asked them to write a letter to the class inside the front cover as a reminder of what they learned from the book. 

After we finish with a Mystery Reader, I take a picture of them with their child (that we hang up), and we place their book in a special book bin in our library.  These by far are the most popular books for the kiddos.  It warms my heart that my students are being reminded of so many important  lessons each time they open them up.

Now the logistics is something I had to figure out, but I'll break down the way I do it.  

      1. Read through the list of books.  If there are some that you already have, don’t feel are appropriate, or simply don’t want on the list….delete them. 

      2. Print a packet for each parent with the letter and book descriptions.

      3. Put each packet in a manila envelope, and glue a “TOP SECRET” label to the front of each one and give them to families.

      4. Use the website, Sign-up Genius, and create a sign up for the books  available so that you don’t have more than one person reading the same book.

     5. After you have parent’s signed up, send a sign up genius to those parents with dates/times.
     6. A week before a parent comes, have them send you 5 clues you can read to the class before they walk in.

This is what the envelopes look like with the labels on them.  This was also a book that the kids LOVED.  

Here is an example of a letter a parent wrote inside their book.  It's so special for the kids to look back on throughout the year.

Want a way to get started?  We will have you all set up with this product from our TPT store!

I hope you all can find the joy with your students and families that I did through this program.  We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas as well!

:) Amanda

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