Student Science Notebook

Welcome back!

We are starting to get the hang of this creating thing! Everyday is sure an adventure where we are learning more and more, but we must say...we are having a blast!  We now have our FREE product up on our Teachers Pay Teachers site, a student science notebook.

We hope this science notebook will be helpful to you and your students. Our notebook can organize information and help students understand each component to writing like a scientist. This is based on the "If...Then - Writing Like a Scientist" unit from the Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Writing (gr. 1), but is a great resource for anyone looking to write about any science experiment they are performing.

Our students have been using this product throughout our unit, and it has really solidified their knowledge of the process that a scientist takes when performing an experiment.  

To get our FREE science notebook, click here!

Let us know your thoughts and enjoy!
Lucy and Amanda

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